This much information should be enough to make you think about growing your own watermelon plant at home. To help you learn the method that you can use to grow watermelons at home, here in this blog, I will be discussing about How to Grow Watermelons.
NO 1 Getting Ready
1. There are hundreds of variety of Watermelons that you can grow, and it ranges from 1kg to 30kgs, with either yellow, red or orange flesh.
2. Select a location where it gets at least 6 hours of direct sunlight, and should be wide enough for the watermelon to grow freely.
3. The soil should be loose, fertile and well-draining, and the pH level should be between 6 - 6.8. And make a thin layer of organic compost like Vermicompost on the top of the soil.
NO 2 Planting the Seeds
1. Make a few mounds on the soil using a hoe, or any other gardening tool. Remember, the soil should not be tight, and there should be enough gaps so that the roots can easily absorb the Oxygen and Water.
2. Make a 0.5-1 inch hole using your finger in the middle of the mound, and put 1-3 Watermelon seeds in it. And cover the hole using the same soil.
3. Water the soil regularly, and wait for 7-10 days till the seeds sprout. Don’t let the soil dry out, and you should give water to it at least once everyday.
4. Remove any weed that grows near the plant, as it can hinder the growth of it.
5. After some time, small yellow flowers will bloom. At that time, you should not water it very frequently, as it can cause the flowers to fall.
6. Pollinate the female flowers using the male flowers, and after some time, small watermelons will begin go form at the bottom of the female flowers.
NO 3 Harvesting the Fruit
1. If kept under suitable conditions, the watermelon fruits will ripen in about 4 months of warm climate.
2. Done! Harvest the fruit after it has ripened.
That’s it!
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Juicy watermelon as well as mouth watering writing. Great