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Top 3 Dumbbell Exercises

Doing body weight exercises may increase your strength, but it may not increase your overall muscle mass. As during the pandemic, gyms have been close-down to reduce the infections. Due to this people have started doing exercise without any Gym, but doing workout at home without any Gym Equipments may not give that much stress on the muscles. That’s why an easy solution to it is to buy a pair of Dumbbells (Generally costs around ₹300 - ₹4000). You may have came up with a thought that which exercises should we do with the dumbbells to give maximum pressure on our muscles for the growth of both strength and size.

Don’t need to worry about it now. Here, in this blog I will be talking about the Top 3 Dumbbell Exercises that you can do for the growth of your muscle power and size.

NO 1 Bent-Over Row

It primarily targets the Upper and the Lower Back. For that you just need a pair of dumbbells (For a beginner, use a pair of 2.5 KG - 5 KG Dumbbells). It mainly gives stress on the muscles like trapezius, rhomboids, teres major, teres minor, infraspinatus and latissimus dorsi. 

How to do it:- 

1. Bend your back at 45 degrees, and hold the dumbbells in each hand at the shoulder width. 

2. And, the palms should face each other, then breath in.

3. Pull the dumbbells straight towards your chest, and breath out.

4. Then lower the dumbbells in a controlled way at the shoulder width.

5. Done! Repeat this as many times you wish to.

NO 2 Goblet Squats

It is a full body exercise that trains the muscles of legs, core and glutes. It’s a great beginner level exercise that develops the a good cardiovascular health. You can do it by using both Kettlebell or Dumbbell. In the beginning, you can use a single 5 KG or 10-15 Pounds Dumbbell / Kettlebell.

How to do it:-

1. Spread both the legs 1-2 Feet apart at a squat position.

2. Hold a dumbbell or a kettlebell in a vertical position by both the hands. 

3. Keep both the legs and your back in a straight posture. 

4. Do a squat, while holding the dumbbell.

5. Hold at that position for as much as possible.

6. Done! Repeat this 10-12 Times.

NO 3 Lunges with Dumbbells

It is a very popular exercise that strengthens the muscles and helps in weight loss as well. It also increases the stability of the body, and can correct the imbalances in the body. 

How to do it:-

1. Stand up straight and hold a pair of dumbbells in both the hands. And face the palms inwards.

2. While holding the dumbbells, take one leg forward and lower the hips till the knee bend at a 90 Degree Angle. 

3. Don’t touch the knee with the ground, and put all the pressure on the heel. 

4. Wait for a few seconds and then pull the leg back.

5. Repeat this with both the legs.

6. Done!

That’s it!

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